M.anifest heads to French music festival

Representatives from Scratch Studios and Entertainment Limited in Accra will be in Cannes, France, from Tuesday, June 6 to Friday, June 9 for this year’s Marché International du Disque et de l'Edition Musicale (Midem).
Several musicians, producers, agents, managers, lawyers, executives, entrepreneurs and journalists from around the globe are also expected to attend the annual event held since 1967.
It is billed as one of the world’s biggest meetings of music professionals.

The East Legon-based entertainment company last year assisted rapper Koo Ntakra to become the first Ghanaian artiste to feature in the Midem Accelerator Programme which is a platform for artistes to show their talents, book agents and top guns from the global music industry.
Rapper, singer and songwriter, M.anifest, has been accepted to perform at this year’s programme.
Through the influence of Scratch, the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA).


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